Source your fabric in 30 days.

Fabric suppliers aren’t calling you back? Or maybe you don’t know how to find the fabric you need… If you’re stuck, not knowing where to start, The Fabric Sourcing Kit from Factory45 is for you.

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The Fabric Sourcing Kit
The Fabric Sourcing Kit

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What's Inside

The Fabric Sourcing Kit provides you with the six most important resources you need to source your fabric in 30 days.


A Guide to Determining the Fabric You Need

There are thousands of fabrics out in the world, so how do you know which one is right for your product(s)? This guide will help you find out.  


Materials Inventory

Organization is pivotal to any fashion brand's success. This exercise will help you keep track of the material descriptions you need to request from suppliers.


Fabric Supplier Email Templates

The #1 reason fabric suppliers don't respond to cold emails is because the email isn't written correctly. Use these proven supplier email templates to make sure you sound like a pro.


Cheatsheet: Calling Fabric Suppliers 

Don't let the fear of a phone call stop you from finding your perfect fabric. Use this cheatsheet so you know exactly what to say when you cold-call a supplier.  


Top 10 Sustainable Fabric Suppliers List  

A personal list of my 10 favorite suppliers that sell environmentally-friendly fabrics with low minimums.


30-Day Action Guide

Delivered via email, you'll receive weekly prompts to ensure you're taking action to source your fabric with these new resources.  

"All of your resources are built around knowing that people are out of their comfort zone and fearful of making mistakes and you attack that head on... just wanted to say thank you for the gentle push!"


"I just had to let you know that I had a fabric supplier give me a huge compliment about how I make it easy for them since I send very clear requests. I wanted to thank you for that since I used your email templates."


Check out a sample for FREE

See if this Kit is right for you by previewing the Supplier Email Templates.


Meet Shannon

Shannon is the founder of Factory45, the go-to resource for sustainable & ethical fashion brands. Over the past five years, she’s worked with hundreds of sustainable fashion brands to go from idea to launch. Her free weekly advice is read by thousands across the globe.


Source your fabric in 30 days.

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The Fabric Sourcing Kit
The Fabric Sourcing Kit

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